Exquisites Chateaubriand mit Béarnaise-Glück
Veröffentlicht: 19/04/2024

Genießen Sie die exquisiten Aromen unseres Chateaubriand mit klassischer Béarnaise-Sauce, einem Gericht, das Ihr kulinarisches Erlebnis auf neue Höhen heben wird. Dieses anspruchsvolle Rezept ist perfekt für besondere Anlässe und wird Ihre Gäste mit seinem zarten, saftigen Rindfleisch und dem reichen, buttrigen Geschmack der Béarnaise-Sauce beeindrucken.
Das Chateaubriand, ein Mittelstück des Filets aus dem Lendenbereich, ist bekannt für seine außergewöhnliche Zartheit und seinen Geschmack. Es ist der Inbegriff von Eleganz und Luxus und somit eine perfekte Wahl für ein unvergessliches Abendessen. Die klassische Béarnaise-Sauce, mit ihrer cremigen Textur und der aromatischen Mischung aus Estragon, Schalotten und Essig, ergänzt das Rindfleisch wunderbar und verleiht Ihrem Tisch einen Hauch französischer Raffinesse.
Um dieses Gericht zuzubereiten, beginnen Sie damit, das Chateaubriand mit Salz und Pfeffer zu würzen, und braten Sie es dann perfekt an, um die natürlichen Säfte einzuschließen. Rösten Sie es auf den gewünschten Gargrad, damit die Aromen in einer göttlichen Symphonie verschmelzen. Währenddessen bereiten Sie die Béarnaise-Sauce zu, indem Sie Eigelb mit einer Reduktion aus Weißweinessig, Schalotten und Estragon verquirlen und dann langsam geschmolzene Butter hinzufügen, um eine seidige, luxuriöse Sauce zu erhalten.
Servieren Sie das Chateaubriand in Scheiben geschnitten, großzügig mit der Béarnaise-Sauce bedeckt und begleitet von Ihrer Wahl an Beilagen wie geröstetem Gemüse oder cremigem Kartoffelpüree. Dieses Gericht verwöhnt nicht nur den Gaumen, sondern schafft auch ein unvergessliches kulinarisches Erlebnis, das die Kunst des feinen Kochens feiert.
Egal, ob Sie eine Dinnerparty veranstalten oder sich einfach mit einem Gourmetgericht verwöhnen, dieses Chateaubriand mit klassischer Béarnaise-Sauce ist ein Rezept, das kulinarische Exzellenz verkörpert. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des Gourmetkochens und genießen Sie jeden Bissen dieses eleganten Meisterwerks.
Zutaten :
Anleitung :
Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
Season the beef tenderloin generously with salt and freshly ground black pepper on all sides.
In a large ovenproof skillet, heat a tablespoon of olive oil over medium-high heat until shimmering.
Add the beef tenderloin to the skillet and sear it on all sides until it’s browned, about 3-4 minutes per side.
Transfer the skillet to the preheated oven and roast the beef until it reaches an internal temperature of 125°F (52°C) for medium-rare, about 15-20 minutes, or until desired doneness.
Remove the skillet from the oven, transfer the beef to a cutting board, and let it rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing.
While the beef is roasting, prepare the Béarnaise sauce.
In a small saucepan, combine the finely chopped shallots, white wine vinegar, and 2 tablespoons of fresh tarragon leaves.
Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat and then reduce the heat to low.
Simmer until the liquid is reduced by half, about 5 minutes.
Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a heatproof bowl, pressing on the solids to extract as much liquid as possible.
Discard the solids and set the liquid aside to cool slightly.
In a medium heatproof bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and 2 tablespoons of water.
Place the bowl over a pot of simmering water, ensuring the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water.
Whisk constantly until the egg yolks are thickened and pale, about 3-4 minutes.
Slowly drizzle in the melted butter, whisking constantly, until the sauce is thick and emulsified.
Stir in the reserved shallot and tarragon reduction, lemon juice, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and season with salt to taste.
Keep the Béarnaise sauce warm until ready to serve.
Slice the rested beef tenderloin into thick medallions.
Serve the Chateaubriand with the warm Béarnaise sauce on the side and garnish with extra fresh tarragon leaves.
Notizen :
- Chateaubriand is a center-cut portion of the beef tenderloin, known for its tenderness and flavor, and is often served as a luxurious dish for special occasions.
Allowing the beef to come to room temperature ensures even cooking.
Preheating the oven to 400°F (200°C) is essential for roasting the beef to the desired doneness.
Seasoning the beef generously helps enhance its natural flavors.
Searing the beef in a hot skillet creates a flavorful crust, which locks in juices.
An ovenproof skillet is necessary to move it directly from the stovetop to the oven.
To achieve medium-rare, the internal temperature of the beef should reach 125°F (52°C).
Resting the beef allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a juicier and more tender cut.
Béarnaise sauce is a classic French sauce made from clarified butter emulsified in egg yolks and flavored with tarragon and shallots.
Finely chopping the shallots ensures they infuse the reduction evenly.
Straining the reduction removes solids, creating a smooth sauce base.
Whisking the egg yolks over simmering water, a technique known as a double boiler, prevents them from scrambling.
Slowly adding melted butter while whisking creates a stable emulsion for the sauce.
Adding lemon juice and cayenne pepper balances the richness of the sauce with acidity and a hint of heat.
Keeping the Béarnaise sauce warm prevents it from separating before serving.
Slicing the beef into medallions makes for an elegant presentation.
Garnishing with fresh tarragon leaves adds a pop of color and reinforces the sauce's flavor.
Tipps :
- Use a meat thermometer to ensure accurate doneness of the beef.
Allowing the beef to reach room temperature ensures even cooking.
Pat the beef dry with paper towels before seasoning to help the crust form during searing.
Use a heavy skillet that can go from stovetop to oven safely.
Let the beef rest to redistribute juices, making it juicier when sliced.
If possible, use clarified butter for the Béarnaise sauce for a smoother texture.
Stir the Béarnaise sauce constantly while adding melted butter to prevent curdling.
If the Béarnaise sauce thickens too much, whisk in a little warm water to adjust consistency.
Keep the Béarnaise sauce warm in a double boiler or thermos to prevent it from cooling and thickening too much.
Taste the Béarnaise sauce before serving and adjust seasoning if needed.
Garnish with fresh tarragon right before serving for a pop of color and flavor.
For a more intense flavor, let the tarragon and shallot mixture steep longer before straining.
If the sauce separates, whisk in a little cold water or an extra egg yolk to bring it back together.
Experiment with adding a touch of Dijon mustard to the Béarnaise sauce for a subtle tang.
Use a sharp knife to slice the beef for clean cuts and presentation.
Preheat the skillet well to achieve a good sear on the beef.
Avoid overcrowding the skillet when searing to maintain high heat.
Make sure the butter is melted and slightly cooled before adding it to the egg yolks.
Take care not to overheat the egg yolk mixture or it will scramble.
When resting the beef, cover it loosely with foil to keep it warm without steaming the crust.
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Exquisites Chateaubriand mit Béarnaise-Glück
Portionsgröße: 4 Menschen Kalorien: 950000 kcal Zucker: 2.00 g Fett: 75.00 g Kohlenhydrate: 5.00 g Protein: 70.00 g Cholesterin: 850.00 g
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